Microcontrollers - Electronics has been developing rapidly for many decades, but only certain technologies and inventions have become groundbreaking. The transition from electron tubes to semiconductor diodes and transistors ushered in a technological revolution that resulted in the miniaturisation and increased capabilities of electronic circuits. A key step in this process was the introduction of integrated circuits - first analogue and then digital. It was from these digital chips that microcontrollers evolved, which are now the foundation of almost every device we encounter every day, both in our personal and professional lives.
Adapter compatible with Arduino NANO IO Shield terminal 30x ARK expansion board
The Arduino Nano compatible adapter makes it easy to connect to external devices and comes with screw terminals. It is a small, simple expansion board. It works with both version 3.0 and older versions of the Arduino Nano. The IO expansion board allows you to conveniently connect the Arduino Nano to other devices. It has a terminal for 30 ARK connectors.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Adapter for Arduino NANO with GPIO leads with DC power connector
This module facilitates prototyping circuits using small Arduino Nano boards and after soldering additional pins on the outside of the board, we get a clone of the Arduino UNO board with the same leads and pins. The module has all the Arduino board pins made and in addition a 12V power socket with 5V power supply and a RESET button. The Shield has a standard 2.54mm raster which makes it fit virtually all electronic devices such as ICs, passive components or plugs. The board provides access to all Arduino pins and its dimensions are 70x54mm.
Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 1 day
Adapter for ESP-01 and ESP-01S modules with signal output on goldpins
Adapter modułu ESP-01 Breakout pozwala na łatwy montaż modułu ESP-01, ESP-01S lub ESP8266-01 na płytce stykowej. Urządzenie wyposażone jest w złącza typu goldpin o rastrze 2.54 mm, które użytkownik może samodzielnie wlutować, co zapewnia elastyczność i wygodę w przygotowaniu do użytku
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Adapter for ESP32 30-pin with USB-C microUSB DC connectors for prototyping
The adapter for 30-pin ESP32 boards enables convenient prototyping with multiple power sources. This device allows you to easily use a 30-pin ESP32 board. With the adapter, you gain flexibility and convenience. The advantage of this product is its compatibility with various power sources, thanks to the three types of connector available: USB, microUSB, DC.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Adapter for nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz radio module for wireless communication
The nRF24L01+ module adapter is a practical solution in a through-hole mounting version that facilitates the connection and testing of nRF24L01+ radio modules. Thanks to the integrated stabiliser 3.3V, the adapter ensures reliable operation with an input voltage 5V DC.
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Ai-WB2-32S-Kit WiFi Bluetooth 5.0 IBL602 module RISC AI-Thinker architecture
The Ai-WB2-32S is a state-of-the-art Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module featuring the BL602 processor, which supports Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and BLE 5.0 protocols. The processor has low power consumption and features a 32-bit RISC core, 276 KB of RAM. It also offers a rich set of peripheral interfaces such as SDIO, SPI, UART, VDC, IR, PWM, ADC, DAC, PIR, and GPIO. The module is applicable to a wide range of applications related to the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile devices and smart home systems.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro ATmega32U4 16MHz Clone
The board is compatible with the Arduino Pro Mini Leonardo and features a USB micro connector. The integrated ATmega32U4 microcontroller has 32 kB of FLASH memory and 2.5 kB of RAM. The board comes preloaded with the Arduino boot application and, due to the presence of the USB interface, no USB UART converter is needed.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Arduino Nano V3.0 ATmega328P clone CH340 with cable
Arduino Nano v3.0 clone with ATmega328P microcontroller and CH340 module, compatible with the original, allows programming in the Arduino IDE and easy connection to a PC via USB. It offers 14 digital inputs/outputs, 6 of them PWM outputs, clocked at 16 MHz. It includes a mini-USB, RESET button, ISP connector and is sold unsoldered with a USB cable.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Arduino Nano V3.0 ATmega328P clone CH340 with cable (1)
Arduino Nano v3.0 clone with ATmega328P microcontroller and CH340 module, compatible with the original, allows programming in the Arduino IDE and easy connection to a PC via USB. It offers 14 digital inputs/outputs, 6 of them PWM outputs, clocked at 16 MHz. It includes a mini-USB, RESET button, ISP connector and is sold unsoldered with a USB cable.
Availability: średnia ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Arduino UNO R3 ATmega328 AVR clone
Atmel's UNO R3 ATMEGA328P-PU 16MHz is a fully compatible clone of one of the most popular modules on the market. It communicates seamlessly with sensors, displays and Arduino devices. It finds application in complex projects. It can be programmed in the Arduino IDE environment. The microcontroller is clocked at 16MHz, has 54 digital inputs/outputs, 16 analogue inputs, a DC power socket, a USB connector with ATMEL MEGA16U2 communication, a reset button and UART pins (used to connect the AVR), the BLINK LED 13 program and a bootloader are preloaded into the module.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Arduino Uno R3 ATMEGA328 CH340 AVR clone
The Atmel ATMEGA328 CH340 16MHz UNO R3 is a fully compatible clone of one of the most popular modules on the market. It communicates seamlessly with sensors, displays and Arduino devices. It finds application in complex projects. It can be programmed in the Arduino IDE environment. The microcontroller is clocked at 16MHz, has 54 digital inputs/outputs, 16 analogue inputs, a DC power socket, a USB connector with CH340 communication, a reset button and UART pinouts (used to connect the AVR). The BLINK LED 13 software and bootloader are preloaded into the module.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
ARM Cortex M3 STM32 Nucleo-64 evaluation board NUCLEO-L152RE STM32L152RE
Discover the capabilities of the NUCLEO series starter kit, featuring the STM32L152RE microcontroller with 512 kB of Flash memory, based on the low-power Cortex-M3 core. It comes with a built-in programmer-debugger ST-Link/v2 and Arduino-compatible connectors for easy expansion and customisation of functionality.
Availability: na wyczerpaniu
Dispatched within: 1 day
ATmega328P CH340 V3.0 module with USB type C compatible with Arduino NANO + cable
A small ATmega328P module, compatible with the Arduino Nano, with USB-C port. It offers 32 kB of Flash memory, 2 kB of RAM, 1 kB of EEPROM and a 16 MHz clock. It has the Arduino Nano bootloader preloaded. It has goldpins soldered on, making it easy to install and use.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
ATmega328P CH340G V3.0 module with USB type C compatible with Arduino NANO
Compact ATmega328P module, compatible with Arduino® Nano, with USB-C connector. Equipped with 32 kB Flash memory, 2 kB RAM, 1 kB EEPROM. Clock frequency of 16 MHz. It has a Arduino Nano bootloader preloaded. The kit includes goldpins for soldering for easy assembly and use, suitable for a variety of microprocessor projects.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Black Pill ARM Cortex-M0 STM32F030F4P6 48 MHz 16kB Flash development board
The development board uses a 32-bit STM32F030F4P6 microcontroller with ARM Cortex M0 core, clocked at 48 MHz, equipped with 16 kB of Flash memory and 4 kB of SRAM. It is equipped with a 12-bit ADC, a variety of timers and communication interfaces such as I2C, SPI and USART, allowing easy integration with contact boards in projects. The module can be programmed using the Arduino IDE or other popular IDE environments. A ST-Link programmer, available from us, will be required for programming.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
CNC Shield V3 for 4 motors for 3D printer overlay for Arduino - controller
Expansion module compatible withArduino, ideal for the design of 3D printers and CNC machines, featuring four A4988 stepper motor drivers with heat sinks for motion control at up to 2 A current consumption. Supports 12 to 36 V for power and 3 V to 5.5 V for logic. Equipped with I2C and UART interfaces, the module allows accessories such as a LCD display to be easily added.
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
Cradle for ESP32-CAM with micro USB and CH340 extension board programmer
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day
DHT11 humidity temperature sensor set + ESP-01S WiFi ESP8266EX module
Availability: duża ilość
Dispatched within: 1 day